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California Care license: 366425370

Rose Villa in Grand Terrace is licensed by the State of California Department of Social Services (#366425370) and is an approved residential care facility for the elderly. Website, www.RoseVillaGT.net, copyright © 2020. All inquiries should be submitted through the Contact Page submission form. All rights reserved.
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Rose Villa
11906 Kingston Street
Grand Terrace, CA 92313
(909) 825-7673
(661) 304-1080 - Cell

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The Rose Villa Wellness Program

We recognize that small residential home care is no guarantee that it won’t become merely a place to sleep...until it’s time to watch TV...until it’s time to sleep again...until it’s time for TV. That’s not care! That’s warehousing of the elderly – boring, unimaginative, stifling, abusive, and cruel!

Rose Villa will never be that. You and your loved ones would never tolerate it, and neither will we. We’re a fully licensed residential home for the care of the elderly, and we take that licensing by the state of California Department of Social Services very seriously. That’s why we have developed a complete wellness program for our residents, a program that is not only designed to be physically stimulating but mentally rewarding as well. We believe that human interaction is the gateway to maintaining one’s happiness, which leads directly to better health or faster recovery, and which can delay the onset or progress of debilitating conditions. And, we also believe that frequent interaction with our staff will simply result in happier residents who won’t suffer from loneliness or depression. At Rose Villa, your loved ones will have care and attention 24-hours per day.

From light exercise, to games, to reading, to yoga, with plenty of time out for water, nutritious snacks and healthy meals, the residents of Rose Villa have many activities to keep them engaged both mentally and physically. Sure, we have TV, cable, internet, and movies. And, there’s always time for our residents to sit quietly and meditate or do their own reading. There’s room for hobbies like sewing and embroidery, or knitting, even painting. These are the things that make a house into a home. And, these are the things we provide at Rose Villa – a caring atmosphere where your loved one is wanted and included in any and all activities.

Wellness Outline